Julien Van Aerschot

Footage Music Composer

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Music on footage


1 picture, some music
Image by Robin Dutrieux - Music by Julien Van Aerschot



Musical composition for the film “Jeu d’hiver” by Rémi Giordan

I composed the music for the short film "Jeu d'hiver" by Rémi Giordan

"Julien has a crush: Emma. They do theater together. During an Improv with his friend Tom who teaches him how to flirt with his zippo, he will try to approach this girl who has been bothering him for weeks."


Director: Rémi Giordan - Screenplay: Rémi Giordan - Casting: Aubin Hernandez, Thomas Sagot, Ana Lorvo, Delphine Girlich - Photography: Max Decamps - Sound: Louis Slabiak - Editing: Maude Vuillez - Music: Julien Van Aerschot - Costumes: Rémi Giordan - Assistant director: Ariane Khusrawy - Color grading: Max Decamps - Sound mixing: Raphaël Besançon

"Holi" (KinoSkate)

Video clip shot, edited, and soundtrack composed in less than 24 hours
in the Kino tradition on the theme of skateboarding and contemporary dance.

▹ Video production: Arthur Bourguignon @thurr.mov @gazefilms ▹ Artistic collaboration: Charly Magonza @charlymagonza
▹ Performance: Hippolyt Doucy @hippodouw ▹ Performance & coordination: Kévin Dupont @_ssowal
▹ Music: Julien Van Aerschot @julienvanaerschot

▶ https://skatelln.be/posterzin3_kino.html

"L'immatériel danse" (from the film by Max Decamps / ENS Louis-Lumière 2023) 

I composed & performed the music soundtrack for this beautiful short film directed by Max Decamps for his graduation work at ENS Louis-Lumière (Paris). Here are some extracts : 

Souvenirs de la Roumanie

As part of the Montreal international film scoring competition 2021, I composed & performed this piano music called "wind pianos" on the animation movie "Souvenirs de La Roumanie" by Cassandra Calin :

"Windfall" rescore

As a détournement exercise, I've re-composed the music to give another reading to this fascinating intro scene in Windfall movie. 

(this footage is for strictly personal use and may not be shared outside of this page)

Bridgerton Scoring Competition

Here is my entry to Bridgerton Scoring Competition. I composed and arranged this epic orchestral music for this extract from the "Bridgerton" series:


The Queen's Gambit : musical rework

I've recomposed the soundtrack for this extract as a rescore exercise.

Indie Film Musical Contest


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